SOLOMON (Strategy-Oriented anaLysis Of the Market fOrces in EU defence) is a research project, scientifically and technically coordinated by Zanasi & Partners and administratively by Engineering Ingegneria Informatica, approved by the European Defence Agency (EDA) and funded by the European Commission under the Preparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR-STF2018) programme with Grant Agreement no. 831739.

The objective of the SOLOMON research project is to outline the roadmaps for tackling the supply risk of the EU armament systems in a world of changing strategies, emerging technologies and mutating extra-EU government restrictions. SOLOMON makes possible for the EU and its Member States to understand the dependencies of the European armament systems from raw materials, technologies and components, also if originating in extra-EU countries (including USA, Russia, China and Brazil), and to prioritise them within a strategic technology foresight context.

SOLOMON has multiple strengths. In particular:


  • It is integrated with PYTHIA, the research project (funded under PADR-STF-01-2017) which provides a methodology for performing strategic technology foresight in the defence context;


  • Amongst its 18 partners, there are Ministries of Defence, EU Defence Industries, researchers and professionals;
  • It delivers an industrial roadmap tested in 6 defence system domains, with the support of its leading organisations:
    • Space (ROSA – Romanian Space Agency)
    • Air (Airbus, MBDA)
    • Land (KMW – Krauss-Maffei Wegmann)
    • Sea (NDU)
    • Cyberspace (Zanasi)
    • Military services (Carabinieri Gen. Leso and Zanasi)

and it is backed by international companies operating in multiple defence system domains (Thales and Indra).


SOLOMON Project Partners


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Preparatory Action for Defence Research – PADR programme under grant agreement No. 831739