ECSO (European Cyber Security Organisation) – working group 4 meeting in Rome, 15th May 2017

On the next 15th of May, on the premises of University of Rome “La Sapienza”‘s DIS (in via Ariosto, 25), it will be hosted an event organised by ECSO (European Cyber Security Organisation) and dedicated to the world of Italian SMEs.


Since the beginning, ECSO has recognised the strategic role played by SMEs within the cyber security ecosystem. Because of that it was decided to create a dedicated Working Group (WG4), which aims at proposing concrete actions, at the EU-level, that could help the development of SMEs.


On the next 15th of May, also thanks to the support provided by MISE, a meeting of the WG4 (also open to representatives from Italian companies non-members of ECSO) will take place in Rome.


The objectives of the meeting are threefold:

  • to deepen the awareness about SME needs (both in terms of managing cyber risks and for what concerns access to the market);
  • to present the work in progress in ECSO and, in particular, a white paper on the SME positioning related to strategic market themes (certification/labelling, R&D funding, training, private investment, regional approach), which is currently being finalised;
  • to investigate possible synergies with local actors.


The draft agenda of the event is available here.


To register, please fill in the registration form.